Ryan smiling for the camera
Dan checking out the snowcapped mountains
Lane holding up and apple he picked
Craig and his family enjoying the outdoors
Dylan sitting on a sail boat
Michelle smiling outside the Bonfire office
Jerrianne posing in front of a lake with her arms spread open
Michael spending time by the beach
Hanging out on the roof deck at the Bonfire office
Joe enjoying a cold beer at lunch
Alissa in the traditional Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, Korea
Max and his dog Remy on a hike

Dylan Kiley

UI Designer

Dylan is a UI design­er at Bon­fire, hail­ing from the exot­ic far­away land of Rhode Island. He has pre­vi­ous­ly worked in-house for com­pa­nies of all sizes and indus­tries, from cre­at­ing delight­ful and beau­ti­ful expe­ri­ences for medTech and edTech star­tups to help­ing reju­ve­nate the e‑commerce UI for a For­tune 5 retail company.

When not work­ing, he’s box­ing, surf­ing, and get­ting too many tat­toos against his grand­moth­er’s wishes.
Joined Bonfire
June, 2022
How He Takes His Coffee
Favorite Office Game
Dylan and the Bonfire crew camping
Dylan as a child sitting in a chair
Dylan sitting on a sail boat
Dylan riding his motorcycle
Dylan in a birthday hat
Dylan looking off to the side in a vintage looking photo
Dylan playing cards on a Bonfire trip
Dylan and a friend posing for the camera