Ryan smiling for the camera
Dan checking out the snowcapped mountains
Lane holding up and apple he picked
Craig and his family enjoying the outdoors
Dylan sitting on a sail boat
Michelle smiling outside the Bonfire office
Jerrianne posing in front of a lake with her arms spread open
Michael spending time by the beach
Hanging out on the roof deck at the Bonfire office
Joe enjoying a cold beer at lunch
Alissa in the traditional Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, Korea
Max and his dog Remy on a hike

Jer­ri­anne Mitchell

Digital Strategist

Jer­ri­anne is a mem­ber of our Client Strat­e­gy team. She attend­ed Mount Ida Col­lege where she stud­ied Mar­ket­ing & Mer­chan­dis­ing and was in the last class to grad­u­ate from the col­lege. Hail­ing from a small town in North Car­oli­na she now resides in Mass­a­chu­setts, and can most like­ly be found hik­ing, kayak­ing, or at a brew­ery. She enjoys chas­ing sun­sets, cook­ing, and has been known to col­lect too many houseplants.
Joined Bonfire
September, 2021
How She Takes Her Coffee
With oat milk
Favorite Office Game
Jerrianne's cat Gizmo enjoying the outdoors
Jerrianne floating down the Saco River in a green tube
Jerrianne posing in front of a lake with her arms spread open
Jerrianne cutting an onion by the campfire
Jerrianne hiking up a large rock in the White Mountains
Jerrianne sitting on a rock overlooking the fall foliage
Jerrianne looking at the fall foliage
Jerrianne kayaking on the ocean