Ryan smiling for the camera
Dan checking out the snowcapped mountains
Lane holding up and apple he picked
Craig and his family enjoying the outdoors
Dylan sitting on a sail boat
Michelle smiling outside the Bonfire office
Jerrianne posing in front of a lake with her arms spread open
Michael spending time by the beach
Hanging out on the roof deck at the Bonfire office
Joe enjoying a cold beer at lunch
Alissa in the traditional Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, Korea
Max and his dog Remy on a hike

Sean Hardies

Senior Strategist

Sean joined Bon­fire in 2016 as a mem­ber of our Sales & Mar­ket­ing team, and helps clients with dig­i­tal strat­e­gy, data/​analytics and cus­tomer acqui­si­tion. Pri­or to work­ing at Bon­fire, he man­aged paid adver­tis­ing and crank calls at a finan­cial ser­vices firm in Portsmouth, NH

Sean stud­ied Medieval His­to­ry and Ger­man Lan­guage at the Uni­ver­si­ty of New Hamp­shire, and still has a pas­sion for all things his­tor­i­cal. Out­side of Bon­fire, you can usu­al­ly find Sean par­tak­ing in pub triv­ia, hik­ing the white moun­tains, and trav­el­ing when­ev­er he gets an opportunity. 

One of Sean’s favorite pas­times is to take hun­dreds of pho­tos while on a trip, and then leave them on a hard drive.
Joined Bonfire
April 2016
How you take your coffee
Favorite office game