
Fil­son Co. has designed and man­u­fac­tured Amer­i­can-made gar­ments and equip­ment for work­ers and out­doors­men for over a cen­tu­ry. Fil­son’s leg­endary qual­i­ty and dura­bil­i­ty is rec­og­nized around the world. 


  • Interactive Lookbook Experience
  • Product Data

Inter­ac­tive Dig­i­tal Catalog

To suc­ceed in the new E‑commerce shop­ping land­scape, Fil­son need­ed its care­ful­ly craft­ed print cat­a­log to work hard­er than ever before. Fil­son turned to Bon­fire to trans­fer its inspir­ing prod­uct and lifestyle pho­tog­ra­phy into a com­plete­ly new medium.

From Print to Digital

Inspired by inter­ac­tive look­books, we want­ed to recre­ate the feel of Fil­son’s sweep­ing vision to allow peo­ple to expe­ri­ence it on many dis­play sizes. To do this, we con­vert­ed Fil­son’s beau­ti­ful­ly ren­dered pho­tog­ra­phy and video assets and opti­mized them for web and mobile-friend­ly environments.

Designed for Life

By incor­po­rat­ing Fil­son’s sig­na­ture brand look and feel, Bon­fire reimag­ined their tra­di­tion­al cat­a­log in a web for­mat. We incor­po­rat­ed a sto­ry­telling aspect and showed the prod­ucts used in many contexts.

Inter­ac­tive. Mobile. Ready.

Bon­fire devel­oped a ful­ly respon­sive, scrol­lable cat­a­log expe­ri­ence that com­bines stun­ning pho­tog­ra­phy, video abstracts, and inter­ac­tive ele­ments that bring vis­i­tors clos­er than ever to the Fil­son lifestyle.

Real­time Data

How did the cat­a­log per­form? Using Mix­Pan­el, we cap­tured dat­a­points for every stage of each vis­i­tor’s jour­ney, help­ing the Fil­son mar­ket­ing team to iden­ti­fy points of pop­u­lar inter­est, drop-off rate, and prod­uct click-throughs.

Let's work together

One of our brand collaborators would love to connect with you and chat about your project. Write a note here or give us a ring at 1.781.872.1365.

Michelle smiling outside the Bonfire office
Jerrianne posing in front of a lake with her arms spread open

Michelle & Jerrianne

Sales and Marketing Team