Peabody Essex Museum

Bon­fire worked exclu­sive­ly with Peabody Essex Muse­um’s inter­nal team to reimag­ine the muse­um’s web­site with a focus on immer­sive con­tent, sim­pli­fied tick­et order­ing and a more stream­lined user jour­ney. Built on Craft CMS, the new web­site is easy to use, but also easy to manage.

To this day, Bon­fire con­tin­ues to work with PEM on a month­ly basis pro­vid­ing month­ly reports on web­site data, along with work­ing close­ly with their mar­ket­ing and tick­et­ing team to devel­op new func­tion­al­i­ty for their cus­tom tick­et selec­tion expe­ri­ence.


  • Web Development
  • Craft CMS Integration
  • Custom Checkout
  • Tessitura Development
  • Ongoing Strategy + Ad Support

Inno­v­a­tive Dig­i­tal Solu­tions for a Mod­ern Muse­um Experience

Bon­fire Stu­dios did an excep­tion­al job on our web­site redesign, seam­less­ly inte­grat­ing the TNEW tick­et­ing plat­form with our updat­ed check­out process, which great­ly enhanced the user expe­ri­ence— no easy feat!”

- Derek O’Brien, Chief Mar­ket­ing Officer

Cus­tom Tes­si­tu­ra Integration

Not only was the check­out process a pain point for PEM’s users but so was the back-end edit­ing expe­ri­ence for their team. Our devel­op­ers worked close­ly with PEM and Tes­si­tu­ra to cre­ate a data-backed, cus­tom check­out flow. 

Nav­i­ga­tion Audit & User Testing

Start­ing with a strate­gic dis­cov­ery phase, Bon­fire con­duct­ed mul­ti­ple rounds of user test­ing to ana­lyze how vis­i­tors are using PEM’s web­site to pur­chase tick­ets and find key infor­ma­tion. Uti­liz­ing this infor­ma­tion, com­bined with a full ana­lyt­ics audit, the Bon­fire team reimag­ined PEM’s sitemap, con­tent hier­ar­chy, and user jour­ney with high-fideli­ty wireframes.

Mobile Expe­ri­ence Opti­mized for Speed

The new web­site is com­plete­ly mobile opti­mized to pro­vide quick access to infor­ma­tion, as well as extreme­ly stream­lined tick­et pur­chas­ing. Whether you’re look­ing to fill your day at the muse­um or find a spe­cif­ic event in the future, every­thing you need to plan your trip at PEM is right at your fingertips.

Let's work together

One of our brand collaborators would love to connect with you and chat about your project. Write a note here or give us a ring at 1.781.872.1365.

Michelle smiling outside the Bonfire office
Jerrianne posing in front of a lake with her arms spread open

Michelle & Jerrianne

Sales and Marketing Team