iRobot Education

iRo­bot™ Edu­ca­tion brings togeth­er iRo­bot­’s edu­ca­tion­al robots, resources and pro­gram­ming to pro­vide edu­ca­tors, stu­dents and com­mu­ni­ties with a repos­i­to­ry of tools to sup­port 21st-cen­tu­ry learning.


  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Craft CMS
  • Shopify

iRo­bot Education

iRo­bot need­ed a brand-new web­site to bring togeth­er con­tent and com­merce to sup­port its new Edu­ca­tion pro­gram. This new Craft-pow­ered web­site pro­vides an in-depth con­tent library for stu­dents, teach­ing tools for edu­ca­tors, and so much more.

iRo­bot Education

We helped iRo­bot build a con­tent sys­tem that fits the needs of inter­nal teams and also enables them room to grow the site as they see fit. Using Craft CMS and React, we cre­at­ed a light­ning-quick con­tent library to host iRo­bot Educ­tion free and pre­mi­um con­tent for aspir­ing coders of all skill levels.

Future-focused CMS

iRo­bot want­ed a pow­er­ful, flex­i­ble CMS that will grow with iRo­bot Edu­ca­tion. Craft enables them iRo­bot to eas­i­ly update and cre­ate pro­grams on the fly, man­age entire libraries of free and gat­ed con­tent, and con­nect to key sys­tems crit­i­cal to their users. 

Mul­ti-Device Learning

iRo­bot Edu­ca­tors vis­i­tors use many dif­fer­ent dis­play sizes to help them explore con­tent and learn to code. iRo­bot Edu­ca­tion lever­ages the most up-to-date web frame­works and design method­ol­o­gy to ensure con­tent per­forms quick­ly and is wide­ly accessible.

Let's work together

One of our brand collaborators would love to connect with you and chat about your project. Write a note here or give us a ring at 1.781.872.1365.

Michelle smiling outside the Bonfire office
Jerrianne posing in front of a lake with her arms spread open

Michelle & Jerrianne

Sales and Marketing Team