iRobot Select

iRo­bot designs inno­v­a­tive home robots that improve the lives of cus­tomers all over the world. 


  • E-Commerce
  • Web Design + Development
  • Reporting
  • Iconography

Craft CMS + Craft Commerce

We helped to build the iRo­bot Select Expe­ri­ence from the ground up using Craft CMS + Craft Com­merce. Craft has enabled the iRo­bot team to offer pow­er­ful ben­e­fits for mem­bers as nev­er before.

A Per­son­al­ized, Bespoke Experience

We envi­sioned iRo­bot Select as a mem­ber-focused expe­ri­ence. We chose Craft so that we could per­son­al­ize and cus­tomize every aspect of the cus­tomer jour­ney, from sign-up and ini­ti­a­tion, to the first ship­ments of Robots and parts.

Dynam­ic Robot Data

With Select, each mem­ber gets a per­son­al­ized dash­board which dis­plays infor­ma­tion about their Robot­’s sta­tus, per­for­mance, and effi­cien­cy. With cus­tom data visu­al­iza­tions, every Select cus­tomer has a bird’s eye view of their Robot­’s health.

Sea­son­al Cam­paign Delivery

Dis­cuss quick-shifts for sales, pro­mo­tions, hol­i­days — and banner/​asset cre­ation all on-demand

Mobile First

Like many of us, iRo­bot­’s audi­ence spends a lot of time on smart­phones. Bon­fire built Select using scal­able and device-respon­sive frame­works, ensur­ing a fast, clean expe­ri­ence no mat­ter the dis­play size.

Let's work together

One of our brand collaborators would love to connect with you and chat about your project. Write a note here or give us a ring at 1.781.872.1365.

Michelle smiling outside the Bonfire office
Jerrianne posing in front of a lake with her arms spread open

Michelle & Jerrianne

Sales and Marketing Team